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Saturday, May 9, 2009

what are the GTA San Andreas Working Animations

GTA San Andreas Working Animations

Working Animations

- "CAR_HOOKERTALK" - kind of an idle stance
- "FUCKU" - mama mia!
- "WOMAN_IDLESTANCE" - stands like a woman, with one hand on hip
- "CAR_SIT" - drivers seat pose
- "XPRESSSCRATCH" - look around
- "IDLE_CHAT" - what all peds and actors do after killing someone
- "IDLE_STANCE" - stands like a man
- "IDLE_ARMED" - stands as if is holding a weapon
- "IDLE_TIRED" - classic GTA out of breath
- "FIGHTA_G" - stomp the ground
- "CROUCH_ROLL_R" - rolls to the right from weapon crouch (use weapon crouch first)
- "CROUCH_ROLL_L" - rolls to the left from weapon crouch (use weapon crouch first)
- "TAP_HAND" - sit in car with hand on door
- "COWER" - duck and cover
- "DUCK_COWER" - duck and cover
- "HANDSCOWER" - backup a step with hands up
- "ENDCHAT_01" - end of a chat sequence, arms fall down
- "ENDCHAT_03" - wave hello/goodbye
- "FIGHTIDLE" - fighting stance, put up your dukes
- "KO_SHOT_FACE" - takes a shot to the face and falls down
- "KO_SHOT_FRONT" - takes a shot and falls down, like hitting a runner from behind
- "KO_SHOT_STOM" - takes a shot to the stomach and falls down, well done animation
- "KO_SPIN_L" - spins to the right and falls
- "KO_SPIN_R" - same as above, but to the left, not as fluid (not used in game)
- "KO_SKID_BACK" - like KO_SHOT_FRONT, but shorter
- "PHONE_TALK" - talking on a phone, like VC, looks like crap with women
- "HANDSUP" - stick em up, but only the idle to hands up part, no loop
- "ROADCROSS" - looks both ways, similar to XPRESSSCRATCH
- "ATM" - uses an Automatic Teller Machine
- "WEAPON_CROUCH" - crouch stance
- "BIKE_FALL_OFF" - back-elbowed off bike animation
- "SEAT_IDLE" - stay in chair
- "SEAT_DOWN" - sit down in chair
- "FLEE_LKAROUND_01" - look over shoulders in fear
- "GETUP_FRONT" - get up from down position - stomach
- "GETUP" - get from down position - back
- "GUN_STAND" - gun aiming stance
- "WALK_DRUNK" - actor will walk drunk a short distance, NO collision data (walks through objects)
- "FALL_SKYDIVE" - actor uses falling (no accel) skydive pose
- "FALL_FRONT" - actor looks like they're falling down (no parachute)
- "RUN_PLAYER" - actor runs a short distance, NO collision data (runs through objects)

- "SCRATCHBALLS_01" - I think this one is obvious...
- "BITCHSLAP" - actor kneels and slaps the piss out of whatever, AWESOME animation
- "BMX_COMEON" - actor on bike waves to "come on"
- "BMX_CELEBRATE" - actor on bike woofs with arm, then wipes brow
- "BMX_IDLELOOP_01" - actor on bike idle, looks around
- "BMX_IDLELOOP_02" - same as above, with head nod
- "BMX_TALKRIGHT_LOOP" - chat on bike, motions with right hand
- "BMX_TALKLEFT_LOOP" - chat on bike, motions with left hand
- "PLYR_SHKHEAD" - actor slaps forehead and shakes head, like "Oy Gevault!" :p
- "BNG_WNDW" - actor looks through a window, then bangs on it
- "BNG_WNDW_02" - looks like the reaction to above
- "SEAT_TALK_01" - actor talks (guestures) while sitting
- "SEAT_TALK_02" - variation on above
- "SEAT_WATCH" - sitting down, looks at watch
- "PASS_RIFLE_PED" - pass rifle to ped
- "PASS_RIFLE_PLY" - receive rifle from ped
- "PLYRLEAN_LOOP" - Lean against a wall, legs crossed
- "HIKER_POSE" - Hitch a ride right
- "HIKER_POSE_L" - Hitch a ride left (why Smokin' instead of Hitch A Ride anyway?)
- "KAT_THROW_K" - Katana throw to player - from Da Nang Thang - with slick "Come on" taunt
- "KAT_THROW_P" - Katana catch - from Da Nang Thang
- "RUN_DIVE" - Ryder animation from "Pier 69"
- "PICKUP_BOX" - Pick up something
- "GRAB_L" - Grab from the left
- "GRAB_R" - Grab from the right
- "PLUNGER_01" - Old school TNT plunger animation
- "PLANE_EXIT" - Plane exit from "Freefall"
- "PLANE_HIJACK" - Freefall animation from..."Freefall" :p

- "M_SMKLEAN_LOOP" - smoking loop, standing
- "M_SMKSTND_LOOP" - smoking loop, foot against wall or object
- "M_SMK_IN" - smoking anim start (light smoke)
- "M_SMK_OUT" - smoking anim finish (light smoke)
//for more log on to http://www.take2games-sanandreas.blogspot.com
- "HNDSHKFA" - handshake and hug
- "HNDSHKFA_SWT" - handshake and hug 2 - similar to above
- "PRTIAL_HNDSHK_BIZ_01" - business handshake
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKA" - gang chat 1
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKB" - gang chat 2
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKC" - gang chat 3
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKD" - gang chat 4
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKE" - gang chat 5
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKF" - gang chat 6
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKG" - gang chat 7
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKH" - gang chat 8
- "PRTIAL_HNDSHK_01" - gang handshake
- "DRNKBR_PRTL" - gang drink a 40
- "DEALER_DEAL" - gang dealing
- "DRUGS_BUY" - gang buy
- "SMKCIG_PRTL" - gang smoking

- "DAN_LOOP_A" - gen dance loop
- "DNCE_M_A" - sway arms
- "DNCE_M_B" - back and forth 1
- "DNCE_M_C" - back and forth 2
- "DNCE_M_D" - swing arms (60's style)
- "DNCE_M_E" - back and forth 3

- "BIKES_SNATCH_L" - snatch from bike left (used in "T-Bone Mendez")
- "BIKES_SNATCH_R" - snatch from bike right (used in "T-Bone Mendez")

- "PLAYA_KISS_01" - player kiss 1 (short)
- "PLAYA_KISS_02" - player kiss 2
- "PLAYA_KISS_03" - player kiss 3
- "GRLFRD_KISS_01" - short kiss
- "GRLFRD_KISS_02" - big kiss
- "GRLFRD_KISS_03" - scratch head, then kiss (a la "Burning Desire")
- "GIFT_GIVE" - Give a gift
- "GIFT_GET" - Get a gift
- "GFWAVE2" - Girlfriend waves
- "GF_CARSPOT" - Girlfriend sees player on the street
- "GF_CARARGUE_01" - argue in car 1
- "GF_CARARGUE_02" - argue in car 2
- "GF_STREETARGUE_02" - argue on the street

- "FIGHTB_3" - rush punches
- "FIGHTB_M" - combo punches
- "FIGHTB_G" - ground punch

- "FIGHTC_3" - roundhouse kick
- "FIGHTC_IDLE" - karate stance
- "FIGHTC_M" - bicycle kick

- "FIGHTD_M" - short jab
- "FIGHTD_G" - kick ground, like VC
- "FIGHTD_3" - elbow rush

- "GYMSHADOWBOX" - shadowboxing
- "GYM_BIKE_GETON" - get on exercise bike
- "GYM_BIKE_SLOW" - ride bike slow
- "GYM_BIKE_FAST" - ride bike fast
- "GYM_BIKE_STILL" - bike idle
- "GYM_BIKE_FASTER" - ride bike really fast
- "GYM_BIKE_GETOFF" - get off bike
- "GYM_TREAD_GETON" - get on treadmill
- "GYM_TREAD_GETOFF" - get off treadmill
- "GYM_TREAD_WALK" - walk on treadmill
- "GYM_TREAD_JOG" - jog on treadmill
- "GYM_TREAD_SPRINT" - sprint on treadmill
- "GYM_WALK_FALLOFF" - get off walking treadmill
- "GYM_JOG_FALLOFF" - fall off jogging treadmill
- "GYM_TREAD_FALLOFF" - fall off sprint treadmill

- "GYM_BP_GETON" - get on benchpress
- "GYM_BP_UP_A" - weights up 1 - legs move
- "GYM_BP_UP_B" - weights up 2
- "GYM_BP_UP_SMOOTH" - weights up smooth
- "GYM_BP_DOWN" - weights down
- "GYM_BP_GETOFF" - get off benchpress
- "GYM_BP_CELEBRATE" - celebrate after muscle goes up

- "GYM_FREE_PICKUP" - pick up free weights
- "GYM_FREE_A" - free weights up 1
- "GYM_FREE_B" - free weights up 2 - struggle
- "GYM_FREE_UP_SMOOTH" - free weights up smooth
- "GYM_FREE_DOWN" - free weights down
- "GYM_FREE_PUTDOWN" - put down free weights
- "GYM_FREE_CELEBRATE" - celebrate after muscle goes up

- "STRETCH" - player stretch idle; rotates back and forth

- "LRGIRL_IDLELOOP" - in car, taps hand
- "LRGIRL_HURRY" - in car, waves player on
- "LRGIRL_HAIR" - in car, fixes hair
- "LRGIRL_IDLE_TO_L0" - in car, transition from idle to L0
- "LRGIRL_L0_LOOP" - in car, arm over seat, tapping hand
- "LRGIRL_L0_TO_L1" - in car, transition from L0 to L1
- "LRGIRL_L1_LOOP" - in car, sitting on seat back, nodding head
- "LRGIRL_L1_TO_L2" - in car, transition from L1 to L2
- "LRGIRL_L2_LOOP" - in car, sitting on seat back, pumping arm
- "LRGIRL_L2_TO_L3" - in car, transition from L2 to L3
- "LRGIRL_L3_LOOP" - in car, standing, dancing
- "LRGIRL_L3_TO_L4" - in car, transition from L3 to L4
- "LRGIRL_L4_LOOP" - in car, standing, waving arm
- "LRGIRL_L4_TO_L5" - in car, transition from L4 to L5
- "LRGIRL_L5_LOOP" - in car, standing, sway back and forth
- "LRGIRL_L345_TO_L1" - stand transistion to L1
- "LRGIRL_L12_TO_L0" - sitting on seat back transistion to L0
- "LRGIRL_L0_BNCE" - like L0 above, with bounce
- "LRGIRL_L1_BNCE" - like L1 above, with bounce
- "LRGIRL_L2_BNCE" - like L2 above, with bounce
- "LRGIRL_L3_BNCE" - like L3 above, with bounce
- "LRGIRL_L4_BNCE" - like L4 above, with bounce
- "LRGIRL_L5_BNCE" - like L5 above, with bounce
- "LRGIRL_BDBNCE" - sitting on seat back, come on anim
- "M_SMKLEAN_LOOP" - male lean smoking loop
- "F_SMKLEAN_LOOP" - female lean smoking loop
- "M_SMKSTND_LOOP" - male stand smoking loop
- "RAP_A_LOOP" - slight bounce, swing arms
- "RAP_B_LOOP" - slight bounce, swing arms more
- "RAP_C_LOOP" - slight bounce, different stance, motion with arms
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKD" - gang chat 4
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKE" - gang chat 5
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKF" - gang chat 6
- "PRTIAL_GNGTLKG" - gang chat 7
- "SIT_RELAXED" in car, sitting normal

- "COPBROWSE_IN" - bend down, open filing cabinet
- "COPBROWSE_LOOP" - look through files
- "COPBROWSE_NOD" - found a file he wants
- "COPBROWSE_SHAKE" - not the file he wants
- "COPBROWSE_OUT" - close filing cabniet, stand up
- "COPLOOK_IN" - arms crossed in
- "COPLOOK_LOOP" - arms crossed loop
- "COPLOOK_NOD" - arms crossed nod
- "COPLOOK_SHAKE" - arms crossed shake head
- "COPLOOK_THINK" - arms crossed, fist to chin
- "COPLOOK_WATCH" - arms crossed, look at watch
- "COPLOOK_OUT" - arms crossed out

- "OFF_SIT_IN" - sit down at typewriter
- "OFF_SIT_TYPE_LOOP" - typing
- "OFF_SIT_BORED_LOOP" - bored typing
- "OFF_SIT_IDLE_LOOP" - typing idle position
- "OFF_SIT_2IDLE_180" - get up from typewriter

- "DNK_STNDM_LOOP" - male drinking loop
- "DNK_STNDF_LOOP" - female drinking loop
- "BARCUSTOM_ORDER" - customer order
- "BARCUSTOM_LOOP" - customer wait for order
- "BARCUSTOM_GET" - customer get order
- "BARSERVE_IN" - bartender take order in
- "BARSERVE_LOOP" - bartender take order loop
- "BARSERVE_BOTTLE" - bartender get bottle
- "BARSERVE_ORDER" - bartender take order
- "BARSERVE_GLASS" - bartender take glass
- "BARSERVE_GIVE" - bartender serve drink

- "MANWINB" - win, pump fist - actor turns away for this
- "MANWIND" win, raise arm - actor turns away for this
- "SLOT_IN" - slot machine in
- "SLOT_PLYR" - slot machine pull lever
- "SLOT_BET_01" - slot machine bet 1
- "SLOT_BET_02" - slot machine bet 2
- "SLOT_WAIT" - slot wait loop
- "SLOT_WIN_OUT" - win, bend down, collect winnings
- "SLOT_LOSE_OUT" - lose, kick slot machine
- "DEALONE" - deals a card
- "CARDS_IN" - cards in anim
- "CARDS_OUT" - cards out anim
- "CARDS_PICK_01" - get a card 1
- "CARDS_PICK_02" - get a card 2
- "CARDS_LOOP" - cards loop
- "CARDS_WIN" - cards win anim
- "CARDS_LOSE" - cards lose anim
- "CARDS_RAISE" - tells the dealer to raise
- "ROULETTE_IN" - roulette in anim
- "ROULETTE_BET" - roulette bet
- "ROULETTE_LOOP" - roulette wait loop
- "ROULETTE_WIN" - roulette win, collect cash
- "ROULETTE_LOSE" - roulette lose, cry
- "ROULETTE_OUT" - roulette out anim
- "WOF" - spin wheel

- "SHOP_PAY" - gets money out and pays
- "SHOP_CASHIER" - cashier gets money
- "SHOP_IN" - shop in anim
- "SHOP_LOOP" - shooper loop
- "SHOP_LOOKA" - shopper browsing 1
- "SHOP_LOOKB" - shopper browsing 1
- "SHOP_OUT" - shop out anim

- "STRIP_A" - gen dance 1
- "STRIP_E" - gen dance 2
- "PUN_LOOP" - patron dance loop
- "PUN_HOLLER" - patron holla
- "PUN_CASH" - patron throws cash
- "STR_LOOP_A" - gen dance 3
- "STR_A2B" - A to B transition
- "STR_LOOP_B" - gen dance 4
- "STR_B2C" - B to C transition
- "STR_LOOP_C" - gen dance 5
- "STR_C2B" - C to B transition
- "STR_C1" - dance to kneel
- "STR_C2" - kneel to rollover
- "STR_C3" - rollover to crawl
- "STR_B2A" - B to A transition
- "PLY_CASH" - player throws cash

- "EAT_PIZZA" - eats pizza
- "EAT_BURGER" - eats a burger
- "EAT_CHICKEN" - eats chicken - yes, they all DO look different
- "EAT_VOMIT_P" - actor throws up
- "EAT_VOMIT_SK" - actor reacts to actor throwing up
- "FF_SIT_IN" - actor sits down
- "FF_SIT_IN_L" - actor sits down to the left
- "FF_SIT_IN_R" - actor sits down to the left
- "FF_SIT_LOOK" - actor sits and looks
- "FF_SIT_EAT1" - actor sitting and eating 1
- "FF_SIT_EAT2" - actor sitting and eating 2
- "FF_DIE_FWD" - die at the table
- "FF_DAM_FWD" - get hit at the table
- "FF_SIT_OUT_180" - actor leaves table at 180 degrees
- "FF_SIT_OUT_L_180" - actor leaves table to the left at 180 degrees
- "FF_SIT_OUT_R_180" - actor leaves table to the right at 180 degrees
- "SHP_TRAY_IN" - tray in anim
- "SHP_TRAY_POSE" - tray pose
- "SHP_TRAY_LIFT_IN" - tray lift in anim
- "SHP_TRAY_LIFT" - lifting the tray
- "SHP_TRAY_LIFT_LOOP" - tray loop (like tray pose)
- "SHP_TRAY_RETURN" - returning the tray
- "SHP_THANK" - thanks the customer

- "POOL_IDLE_STANCE" - holding a pool cue
- "POOL_CHALKCUE" - chalk the cue, looks funky; the actor holds the cue wrong
- "POOL_SHORT_START" - start a short shot
- "POOL_SHORT_SHOT" - short shot
- "POOL_MED_START" - start a medium shot
- "POOL_MED_SHOT" - medium shot
- "POOL_LONG_START" - start a long shot
- "POOL_LONG_SHOT" - long shot
- "POOL_XLONG_START" - start a extra long shot
- "POOL_XLONG_SHOT" - extra long shot

- "SMOKE_RYD" - Ryder smoking anim
- "ROB_SHIFTY" - sneaky looking robber
- "ROB_STICKUP_IN" - stickup in anim
- "ROB_LOOP_THREAT" - stick up main anim
- "SHP_ROB_HANDSUP" - actor hands up
- "ROB_LOOP" - stick up loop
- "ROB_2IDLE" - stick up to idle stance
- "SHP_GUN_GRAB" - threat to grab a rifle

- "GRAFFITI_CHKOUT" - looks at graffiti and approves

- "DEALER_IDLE" - dealer idle; hands crossed at wrist
- "SHOP_PAY" - pays the dealer
- "DEALER_DEAL" - dealer gives the goods

- "BBALBAT_IDLE_01" - bat over shoulder, then taps it on hand
- "BBALBAT_IDLE_02" - bat over shoulder
- "CRCKIDLE1" - cracked out, sitting down
- "CRCKIDLE2" - cracked out, lying down
- "CRCKIDLE3" - cracked out, kneeling against surface
- "CRCKIDLE4" - cracked out, lying down on back
- "CRCKDETH1" - sitting down, fall over, die
- "CRCKDETH2" - curled up, die
- "CRCKDETH3" - sitting down, fall back, die
- "CRCKDETH4" - sitting curled, roll over, die (short)

- "BAT_4" - beat down with a bat, overhand swing

- "COLT45_FIRE" - fire a gun from the hip
- "COLT45_RELOAD" - relaod the colt

- "IDLE_TIRED" - like the other idle tired from "PED", except bent over farther

- "GSIGN1" - hand signs, head level, then fall
- "GSIGN3" - hand signs, chest level, then fall

- "GDB_CAR_PLY" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Carl turns around
- "GDB_CAR_SMO" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Smoke loads weapon
- "GDB_CAR_SWE" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Sweet talks and gestures
- "GDB_CAR_RYD" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Ryder talks
- "GDB_CAR2_PLY" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Carl turns around 2
- "GDB_CAR2_SMO" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Smoke talks
- "GDB_CAR2_SWE" - "Drive By" mini-cutscene anim, Sweet talks 2

- "SWEET_ASS_SLAP" - slap that ass!
- "HO_ASS_SLAPPED" - get that ass slapped!
- "SWEET_HNDSHLDR_01" - Sweet with an arm around Carl's shoulder
- "PLYR_HNDSHLDR_01" - Carl's reaction to above
- "LAFIN_SWEET" - from "Green Sabre", Sweet injured
- "LAFIN_PLAYER" - from "Green Sabre", Carl runs up to Sweet
- "SWEET_INJUREDLOOP" - from "Green Sabre", Sweet bent over loop

- "SIT_RELAXED" - in car, sitting
- "TAP_HAND" - in car, tapping hand
- "FIXN_CAR_LOOP" - under car, fixing
- "FIXN_CAR_OUT" - under car, rolls out
- "TYD2CAR_LOW" - from "Fender Ketchup", slow speed
- "TYD2CAR_MED" - from "Fender Ketchup". medium speed
- "TYD2CAR_HIGH" - from "Fender Ketchup", high speed
- "TYD2CAR_TURNR" - from "Fender Ketchup", right turn
- "TYD2CAR_TURNL" - from "Fender Ketchup", left turn
- "TYD2CAR_BUMP" - from "Fender Ketchup", bump

- "MRNM_LOOP" - male mourning loop
- "MRNF_LOOP" - female mourning loop, with cry
- "PRST_LOOPA" - Priest pray loop

- "GRLFRD_KISS_03" - scratch head, then kiss
- "PLAYA_KISS_03" - player kiss 3
- "BD_GF_WAVE" - girl wave, turns around for this
- "WASH_UP" - short wash hands anim
- "M_SMKLEAN_LOOP" - male smoking lean loop
- "BD_PANIC_LOOP" - gir65l in window panic loop
- "BD_PANIC_01" - panic var 1
- "BD_PANIC_02" - panic var 2
- "BD_PANIC_03" - panic var 3
- "BD_PANIC_04" - panic var 4

- "RAIL_FALL" (used with 088A)
- "SWT_VENT_01"
- "SWT_VENT_02"
- "JMP_WALL1M_180"


- "CAR_SC1_FR"
- "CAR_SC1_BR"
- "CAR_SC1_FL"
- "CAR_SC1_BL"
- "CAR_SC2_FL"
- "CAR_SC3_FL"
- "CAR_SC3_FR"
- "CAR_SC3_BR"
- "CAR_SC4_FL"
- "CAR_SC4_FR"
- "CAR_SC4_BR"
- "CAR_SC4_BL"

- "SHOUT_01"
- "SHOUT_02"




"CARRY" - none - likely used with "Home Invasion" and others


- "LAUGH_01"


- "PLAYER_01"
- "SMOKE_01"
- "GIRL_01"
- "GIRL_02"














- "BK_JMP"

- "THRW_BARL_THRW" - used in "Stowaway"






- "BBALL_PICKUP" (used with 0804)



- "CLO_IN"


HIFI453 said...

i just found this page on


thanks for contributing so much

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